Are you marketing your business on social media like Facebook & Twitter? If you said yes, that’s great! Are you marketing your business the right way? If you aren’t quite sure how to answer that, let me show you a few tips that can help you along the way.
Start with a social media marketing plan
It’s always a great idea to start with a plan. Staying organized and knowing the “whats” and “whens” are great keys to being successful. Creating a social media marketing plan will help set you up for success and allow you to avoid any mistakes. There are so many great tools out there that can help you plan what you want to market, how to market it the correct way and when to market it!
Consistency is key
Use the same name on all your social media platforms, or something similar. If you have one social media platform a different name then another your audience will have a hard time finding you.
Keep business and personal separate
Your business profiles should all represent your business and your business only. Keep your profile pictures professional with business related photos or a professional head shot for your profile picture.
When sharing links, using a shortened URL like is a great tool to track where your audience is coming from and managing where you would like to focus certain marketing campaigns.
These are just a few quick tools to help you get started. Want more? Follow my blog for weekly tips and tricks!